The New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults: Through the Eyes of a New Writer

by Katie Furze

What a day! It started with Books Alive for school students in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, where I was thrilled to meet some of the other finalists as well as thousands of book-loving tamariki and rangitahi. The National Library was abuzz with excited youngsters rushing between lightning talks, signings, live drawing, workshops, and behind-the-book sessions. The whole day was so well organised by the team of librarians that everything worked seamlessly – yay for librarians! 

Ned Barraud and I read our book Tuatara, A Living Treasure to a packed auditorium alongside author/illustrator Raymond McGrath and illustrator Zak Atea. Later in the day, we ran a joint workshop: Writing and Illustrating Nature. It was the first time Ned and I had presented together (and the first time we’d met in real life) – a special occasion all round! 

After Books Alive, Scholastic NZ and the Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ) put on drinks and nibbles at the Backbencher. I really appreciated this opportunity to meet and chat with more finalists, publishers, and others involved in the industry in a relaxed setting before the big event ... the awards ceremony at Pipitea Marae … da dum … da dum … da dum.

As a first timer at the awards, I felt a little starstruck being in a room filled with so many of my kidlit heroes. What ensued was a warm and wonderful evening, full of joy and laughter, and a few tears – a fitting celebration of children's literature in Aotearoa. It was a fabulous event to be part of and I was so grateful to be a finalist. It was evident that many people had put in months of hard work behind the scenes – the judges, organisers, sponsors, the NZCYA Trust, and others – what a special community we have!

Photos by Vijay Paul (via NZ Book Awards Trust)
Top Left: Ned Barraud and Katie Furze Middle Left: MC Jase Te Patu Middle Right: Stacy Gregg - winner Junior Fiction and Supreme Award Above: Michaela Keeble and Tokerau Brown  - winning picture book.


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