Success in Poetry by Heather Haylock

Each year, for National Poetry Day in August, The Poets XYZ (look them up on facebook) run a poetry competition for those who write poetry for children. A different word is used as a theme prompt each year. This year’s word was ‘Leap’. I took a while to come up with an idea with the ‘Leap’ theme. I wrote two poems, one to do with that famous quote, ‘One small leap for man . . .’, and another about the cow who jumped over the moon. You can enter up to three poems in The Poets XYZ competition, so I wanted to come up with one more. I love libraries and I love what librarians do in our schools and communities. When I read a book I often feel like I’ve leapt into another world. So I decided to write a poem inviting children to leap into the library to see what they could discover there. It took some effort to narrow down the stories I would highlight in the text (there were so many jostling for position!), and a few didn’t make it (I’m going to save them for another time). Crafti...