The Anxious Person’s Guide to Narrative Non-Fiction review by Heather Haylock
Run by the Western Washington SCBWI region, the speaker for this event was Sarah Jane Marsh. I signed up for this for two reasons – I’m interested in branching out into narrative non-fiction writing, and I classify myself as a worrywart. So this was the perfect webinar for me! The first topics covered were fuelling up (‘it’s okay to start badly’) and packing your backpack (finding your big idea, finding shiny objects to share, clarifying your connection to the topic, and bringing a range of lenses to look at an idea). Then we learned about embracing the uncertainties – how to start, how to end, what voice to use, what structure to use, how different narrative arcs work best for different projects. Sarah Jane stressed that we don’t know these things when we start, and that’s okay! Strategies covered included using mentor texts to get started, pulling shiny things from our backpacks (interesting facts and snippets that either embellish or can become the centre of your story), being insp...